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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

Faith Hope Love

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Term 1

Art- Jackson Pollock inspired abstract 'puddle painting'

In art today we have been Exploring Jackson Pollock style abstract art. We have made the most of the puddles with some ‘puddle painting powder paint’ art.

DT- Cooking- making sausage rolls with Lincolnshire sausage

Today as part of our topic on where we live, we have been making sausage rolls using Lincolnshire sausage. We talked about where it is made in Boston and that it has sage in it. We all listened very carefully to the instructions from Mrs Hunt and Mrs Fletcher. We put the sausage meat on the pastry, folded it over, pressed the edge down, scored it with a knife and then gave it an egg wash. They smelt delicious when they were cooked!

'Where We Live' Wednesday

Still image for this video
Every other Wednesday, at snack time, we try a different Lincolnshire food. We talk about 'Where We Live' and where the food comes from. We want the children to gain an understanding of the county in which they live and things that make it famous.

22nd September 2023

This week we have been very busy.

Ellie has been spotting things for our Autumn Bingo. She has seen a squirrel collecting nuts and pumpkins in the field.

Oliver has been riding on the bikes.

At lunchtime play, Rory has been playing a lot.

Bella has enjoyed playing hide and seek with Ellie and Arya.

Octavia has been riding on the scooter.

Phoebe has liked playing inside and outside.

Jacob has been playing Octonauts with Oliver and Max.

Max has enjoyed playing outside.

A Fabulous First Day! 6/9/23

The children have had a fabulous first day, having a chance to explore the classroom and starting to get used to some of our routines. We have made the labels for the cloakroom, named our lolly sticks for our daily helper and got the leaves ready for our class tree in the hall. We've had lots of time to play too and get to know each other, seeing old friends and making new ones. The children have each come home with a book, which is theirs to keep and a letter to explain a few things- a copy of this is below if you need it.


Next week, we will start to have our PE sessions which will be on Wednesday and Thursday (weather permitting) but we ask that the children have their PE kit in school all week just in case we need to change our days.


The adults in our classroom are:

Miss Parker (class teacher), who will be there every morning and on Thursday and Friday afternoons,

Mrs Hunt (class teacher), who is with us Monday and Thursday mornings and all day Tuesday and Wednesday,

Mrs Nicholls (HLTA), who is with us all day Monday and Wednesday,

Mrs Fletcher (TA), who is with us all day, every day, and

Mrs Rodgers (TA), who is with us all day, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


Start of Term

We look forward to welcoming the new Reception children, and our returning Year 1's, into Cherry class on Wednesday 6th September. Our focus during those first three days will be on settling the children in to school and starting to get them used to some of our routines. We will not have any PE sessions in those first three days and will let you know our PE days before the end of the first week.

It has been a busy summer and there have been a few changes in the classroom, so we have made a video that you can share with your child if you feel that they would like to see the room before they start on Wednesday.


Once the new Reception children are in school, we will set up their Tapestry accounts and, if you are new to the school, you should get an email asking you to set up an account. We should have this completed by the end of the first week in school and we will send out a test Tapestry post at the end of the week. If you do not receive that message, please let us know and we will investigate.

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.