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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

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Term 4

Bubble Closure Pack

The pack you have received today after school is for children IF our class bubble has to close over the coming weeks. As stated in the letter inside, if I am still well then there will be daily live lessons on Google Classroom to go alongside the pack. If I am unwell, there is a file of tasks set on Google Classroom ready for children to access along with the handwriting/spellings/times tables/comprehensions inside the pack. Fingers crossed, we will never need the pack.

If you feel you would like to try any of the pack resources at any time with your child, please do. The handwriting tasks alongside spellings will be extremely beneficial as these are areas most children have 'dipped' in during lockdown.

Coding Challenge

This afternoon, we challenged each other to be a 'sprite' and follow the code we created in our groups. It was lots of fun as well as helping us to understand how computer programmes use code to know what to do.


We were lucky enough to check the school pond when LOTS of frogs were laying their frogspawn! Being very quiet, we sneaked into the pond area and watched this wonderful sight. There is now some frogspawn in our class aquarium which is already turning into tadpoles. What will it look like on Monday? We will have to wait and see! heart

TT Rock Stars

This week, we have a number of children who have achieved all their badges by answering 60 questions correct in 3 minutes for each times table. Fantastic! Mrs Ely was very proud of them all when they went to show her. Who will be next?

Magnetic Fun

This afternoon, we continued our learning about magnets that we started in lockdown. It was great to investigate which materials are attracted to magnets and think why. Lots of good questions!

Our Author Study Week

All week, we have enjoyed reading a range of books by different authors, discussing the messages in their stories as well as their use of language/illustrations and looking for links between their books. It has been great to just get lost in a book (or two)- we highly recommend it!


After a great start to our fractions work in lockdown, we have continued to develop our skills of finding fractions of amounts using counters and bar models.

Our First Day Back!

What a day! It was great to see everyone back with such positive attitudes and happy faces- a delight for all of us.

After sharing our work, we had biscuity treats for playtime before joining in a live lambing session to see a newborn lamb.

Straight after lunch, we got into our science work looking at friction by investigating using jelly, chopsticks and then a little bit of oil. To finish off looking at other materials with little friction, we used ice lollies! yes

It is nearly 8th March!!

I am SO excited that we will soon be back together as the wonderful Holly Class family. It has been too long since we were together so I know that Monday is going to be a very special today. heart

Remember to keep looking on here regularly again for photos to see what we get up to in class as I will not be posting on Google Classroom from Monday for the time being. Do not lose your logons though as it is a fantastic platform that we will use again in the future.

Mathletics GOLD Certificate

It is rare to see this colour Mathletics certificate so it is great to celebrate- well done Jacob!


Primary Nature Live

Today was the last session. We have collected all the letters and sent in our entry for the competition- fingers crossed.

The task of the woolly worms was taken on successfully in school and I know many children are having a go at making ice sculptures with things they are collecting on their walk today- I look forward to seeing the photos!

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.