Welcome to Weston Hills Fundraising page.
On here we will keep you up to date with events that are happening with regards to 'fundraising'.
Friends of Weston Hills School Committee Members
Chair: Georgia Pateman
Secretary: Lucy Jerwood
FUN DAY AFTERNOON - 1.10am to 3.20pm
We are holding a funday afternoon on Thursday 23rd May where parents are able to come and join their children.
Golden tickets are available at £5 each and you can purchase as few or as many as you so wish.
Friendship Disco - Thursday 8th February 2024
The Friendship Disco will take place on Thursday 8th February. The cost of the disco per child is £3.00 and their will be pizza, cake and a treat for the the children. Money and slip to be returned to the school office in a named envelope on or before 2nd February to guarantee a place.
Key Stage 1 3.30 pm to 4.45 pm
Key Stage 2 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Christmas Non-Uniform Day - Friday 24th November 2023
On this day children are welcome to come to school in non-uniform in exchange for a bottle and chocolates which will then be used on a stall at the Christmas Fair.
Christmas Fair - Friday 1st December 2023
The annual Christmas Fair will take place after school on Thursday 1st December. There will be games for the children to play, various craft stalls to purchase gifts from and snacks will be available.
Christmas Wrap - Tuesday 12th December 2023
The FOWHS will be holding their annual Christmas Wrap on Tuesday 12th December. Gifts will cost £2.50 each and the forms will be sent out nearer the time asking for the amount of people their child wishes to buy for and for the relevant money. Children will then choose the correct amount of presents of the day for their loved ones. Forms and money will need to be handed in to the school office by Friday 8th December at the very latest.
Bags 2 School - Thursday 14th December 2023
Please bring a bag of your unwanted clothes to school by Wednesday 13th November and the FOWHS will receive money for them.
Afternoon Tea with Santa - Tuesday 19th December 2023
Children can come along and meet Santa, receive a present and share an afternoon tea platter. Forms and the cost for this event will be sent out nearer to the date.
The money raised from all the events below leading up to Christmas will be used to send the children to a Christmas pantomime.
Bags 2 School - Wednesday 2nd November 2022
Please bring a bag of your unwanted clothes to school by Wednesday 2nd November and the FOWHS will receive money for them.
Christmas Fair - Thursday 1st December 2022
The annual Christmas Fair will take place after school on Thursday 1st December. There will be games for the children to play, various craft stalls to purchase gifts from and snacks will be available.
Christmas Wrap - Tuesday 6th December 2022
The FOWHS will be holding their annual Christmas Wrap on Tuesday 6th December. Gifts will cost £2.50 each and the forms will be sent out nearer the time asking for the amount of people their child wishes to buy for and for the relevant money. Children will then choose the correct amount of presents of the day for their loved ones. Forms and money will need to be handed in to the school office by a certain date - date to be confirmed.
Christmas Disco - Wednesday 7th December 2022
The Christmas Disco will take place on Wednesday 7th December after school - times to be confirmed. The cost of the disco per child is £2.50 and their will be pizza and treats for the children.
Afternoon Tea with Santa
Children can come along and meet Santa, receive a present and share an afternoon tea platter. Forms and the cost for this event will be sent out nearer to the date.
The Friends of Weston Hills School will be holding their AGM on Monday 25th April 2022. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please see documents below for more information.
The FOWHS will be holding their annual Mothers Day Wrap on 22nd March. If you would like your child to take part, please return the order form to the school office before Wednesday 16th March 2022. Each child has been given a order form.
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
On Wednesday 2nd February each class will be holding a Charity Coin Challenge in which there will be a prize for the class who donates the most money.
Children are asked to bring in as many coins as they can which contain a '2' on them - 2p, 20p £2
Please see the attached poster below.
The last Friday in November and throughout December, the Friends of Weston Hills School will be holding 'Festive Friday' outside the school building. More information to follow.
The Friends of Weston Hills School are bringing Christmas Wrap to your children as usual this year on Tuesday 7th December.
Gifts are priced at £2 each and you can purchase as many or as few as you want. Children will have choices of presents that they wish to buy for, mums, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandads.
Your child will have brought home a letter (see below) for you to complete.
The Friends of Weston Hills School organised a 'Scarecrow' competition for children to take part in.
The winners were Jaxon (Willow Class ) and Archie & Lillie Andrew.(Cherry & Oak Class).
Congratulation to the winners and a big thank you for everybody that took part.
The FOWHS are holding their annual Summer Fayre this week but in a different way due to COVID reasons. Stalls will be open from 3pm daily.
Monday 28th June - Farmers Market - various prices
Tuesday 29th June - Hook a bag @ £2
Wednesday 30th June - Chocolate & Bottle Tombola - £1 per ticket
Thursday 1st July - General Tombola - 5 tickets for £1
Friday 2nd July - Ice Cream Sale - 50p each
Raffle tickets will be on sale all week and the draw will take place live at school at 3.45pm
Thank you in advance for your continued support