School sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces, coats, book bags, swimming/PE bags, hats and PE kit can be ordered through Deco Schoolwear at
You can order clothing three ways: online, by filling in a form (see below) or by telephone at 01572 821665.
The school's uniform colours are grey, royal blue and yellow.
Royal Blue School Fleeces/Reversible Coats
Navy blue or grey raincoat, anorak or duffle coat or royal blue fleece jacket
Grey tailored trousers or shorts
Grey Pinafore dress or grey skirt
Blue/White Gingham Dresses (Summer term only)
Yellow/White Gingham Dresses (Summer term only)
Gold School polo shirt or white polo shirt
Royal Blue School sweatshirt or Royal blue jumper/cardigan
Grey or white socks or tights
Royal Blue Wool Hats
Royal blue School Baseball caps
Footwear: Children should wear sensible school shoes. If boots are worn to school in winter then a change of shoes must be brought in to wear inside school. Sandals must be closed toe and suitable for school. Trainers are not to be worn in place of school shoes.
P.E. and Games (During COVID, children will need to come to school in their PE kit on their designated PE days).
This is a curriculum subject and all children are expected to take part and to wear suitable clothing for reasons of safety and hygiene.
The following items are required by children for PE lessons and games – black or blue PE shorts, black or white plimsolls (non-lace type), Team colour T-shirt (Red, Blue, Yellow or Green).
For outdoor activities they will need a plain black or blue tracksuit for colder weather. Trainers are essential for outdoor games.
KS2 children who represent the school in team sports/competitions will be provided with a school team kit wherever possible. This should be returned to school, washed, as soon after the event as possible.
All children need a small PE bag, with a drawstring, so that it can be hung on a coat peg.