JOSO Competition Winners for Safer Internet Day- Jessica was our winner!
Applying Our Fractions Knowledge to Working Out the Intervals on Different Scales for Capacity/Volume
Investigating How Sound Changes with Distance (on a VERY cold afternoon!)
Playing with Pitch
Recording Podcasts
Ear Defenders- designing, making, trialing, tweaking, perfecting.
Colour Mixing
Making Ear Defenders- ready for testing our chosen materials.
Freeze Framing- scenes from Planet Omar in English
Sport 2day- another sport to learn for our next competition!
Testing Out Different Materials for Our Ear Defenders Design
Online Safety Visitor in Working with Each Class- online bullying using Harry Potter as a context
Audacity- learning how to use the new software to create our own podcasts this term (complete with music and sound effects!)
String Telephones
Sound- how do these instruments make a sound?
Science- how are sounds made?
We started our work off by looking at how different instruments make sounds and how those sounds we our ears. We then took ourselves outside with dataloggers to investigate the decibel levels of a beating drummed as we moved away from it.
Planet Omar- Accidental Trouble Magnet
Our English work for the next 4 weeks is based around this book. This week, we have found about about the characters, started to read the first 2 chapters and linked Omar's troubles to events that have happened in our own lives. We have heard some great stories from the children!
Sound Activity
Can you identify these sounds before they are revealed?
Happy New Year!
Holly Class staff would like to wish all of you all the best in 2025.
This term, our topic is a Science and D&T based term all linked to Sound.
Our PE sessions return to Monday and Wednesdays as we are no longer swimming. We will be inside for both sessions- gymnastics on a Monday and Dance on a Wednesday.
Digital Literacy this term will be about online bullying and in Computing we will be using audacity to create podcasts (linking to our topic of sound).
Keep checking back here to see what we get up to ass the term progresses.