Joyeuses Paques!
Look at our French Easter cards.
We hope everyone has a lovely break. See you again in April!
Easter Egg Hunt- GO!
Recycling Making Fun with Willow Class
Members of Willow class led a recycling creative session this afternoon to make a ukulele from recycled materials.
Sutton Hoo
This afternoon, we worked in teams to investigate facts about the greatest Saxon discovery in Britain. It was a race to see who could complete the task first and with the most correct answers from their research!
Communicating Online
Today, everyone had the chance to use the school email to communicate with each other. Messages of happiness were sent to each other with many smiles and much giddiness through the session. "When can we do it again, Mrs Upsall?!"
Weaving Madness Continues
We could not help it, we had to keep going! There are lots of finished pieces now, some people are trying a second and some people are even trying at home! It has inspired Mylee to get her knitting machine out and have a go at a different creative method.
Our Saxon topic has inspired us to give weaving a try! It is surprisingly addictive. Thank you to Isabelle for taking the photos.
Reflection Collective Worship in Class
We all had lit candles in front of us as we reflected about our term's value of Wisdom.
Dissecting a Daffodil
Have a go with some other flowers at home- can you find all the parts?
Worship Council
Well done for another Collective Worship for the whole school.
Friends Together!
It is always good fun to decorate someone's cast.
How does water move from the roots through a plant? Our investigations!
Hotseating Mervyn and King Vortigern
To prepare us for our story writing next week, we interviewed the main characters to help us tell the story with lots of description.
World Book Day
What fun! Everyone looks great.
Computing Links for Tuesday
Science- what has happened to the plants?
Today we made our first comparative observations of the plants. What can you notice?
French Bitesize
Bitesize have great videos for all areas of the curriculum. here is a link to some French we have been working on this term:
World Book Day
As you dress up as your favourite book character, be thinking about the illustrator who created the drawings for the book. There are many famous illustrators who work closely with authors to bring their characters described in words to life- who helped to create your chosen character?
Saxon Books
This term, we are using books by the author Terry Deary to help bring our topic of the Anglo-Saxons to life. Books we will be using include:
The King who Threw Away his Throne
The Witch who Faced the Fire
We will also have a look at:
The Shepherd who Ate his Sheep
The Lord who Lost his Head
These are great stories that can also be shared at home.
Painting Fun
Have a look at this week's art work with Miss Parker.
Our First Science Investigation for our New Topic- Plants
Do plants need all their parts? We will find out over the next couple of weeks!