Our Topic this term is 'Chocolate'
Willow Class were describing 4 different types of chocolate! Examining the appearance, smell, texture and taste of the delicious chocolate. Additionally, they were asked to rate the chocolate out of 10.
The children in Willow Class were acting out parts from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
In their groups, they were thinking of ways to describe The Chocolate Factory using the 5 senses. The children came up with some brilliant ideas and expanded them further to use in their writing.
Sport2day came into school to run Archery sessions for each KS2 class. Willow Class improved enormously throughout the session
In Science, we were separating mixtures using different methods.
A huge thank you to all the adults who volunteered their time to take part in the Careers Fair! It really was a lovely event.
Willow Class were investigating irreversible changes..
Christingle making
Look at our brilliant chocolate bar box designs!
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Day!
Christmas crafts! We hope you like the lovely creations the children have made this year!
All of us in Willow Class have really enjoyed the Chocolate topic and have learned a lot.