This term our topic is Set in Stone. We are studying history from The Stone Age to The Iron Age.
In science we are investigating habitats. We have looked our local habitats around the school so far.
Our English focus is Stig of The Dump. It's a great story with one of the main characters being a Stone Age man, called Stig.
In maths we are focussing on geometry, then fractions.
Willow Class have been very lucky to have the opportunity to be taught how to play the Samba drums this term. They already sound brilliant!
PE is tennis and archery.
This term Willow Class will have weekly spellings. These are based around the relevant year group word list plus word families. They will have a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check practice sheet to complete in their homework books.
Also, everyone should be doing 10 minutes a day practice on TT Rock Stars.
Each week a minimum of 30 minutes should be spent on Mathletics. Certificates will be given out in our weekly celebration assembly.
Finally, everyone should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes every evening.
Additionally, there will sometimes be topic based homework.
We had great fun doing our hula-hoopathon on Thursday- photos to follow. If all sponsorship money could be brought in to school as soon as possible, that would be brilliant. Then we can see how Willow class have raised for Wood Green Animal Shelter.
Our hula hoopathon was a great success. Willow Class manged to raise £132, which we will be donating to our chosen local charity of Wood Green Animal Shelter.
Thank you for your generous sponsorship of the children.