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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

Faith Hope Love

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Term 1

Our Superhero Day!

On Wednesday 19th October we had the most amazing day!  All the children were invited to come to school dressed as their favourite Superhero.  We underwent training to become a certified Superhero, which included skills such as speed agility, throwing, dodging and even flying!!

Thank you to everyone that provided a costume, we looked great.

Friday 14th October 2022

In Art today we painted Vegetables for the Harvest Festival, which is taking place in Weston Hills Church on Sunday 16th October at 11am. We really enjoyed painting the still life and trying to include all the tiny details.

Wednesday 12th October 2022

This term in R.E. we are learning about Islam.  Today we have been exploring the 5 pillars of Islam, we started with the first pillar which is 'Belief'.  As a class we wrote a statement of belief for our school.  The children cam up with several statements.  Here they are:-


As a school community, we believe

  • friendship is important
  • we are kind to everyone
  • we include everyone and don't harm each other
  • we should be grateful for what we have
  • we should love each other
  • we are kind to everyone


Wednesday 5th October 2022

Today Carl Blackman  from Inspire+ came into school to enable all children in Cherry and Oak classes to partake in a 'Paralympic Sports Day'.  We were able to try Boccia, Goalball and Volleyball.  All the children had a wonderful day trying out all these different sports.  We would like to give a big 'Thank You' to Carl for giving up his time and sharing his expertise with us.

Wednesday 28th September 2022

Today in P.H.S.E. we talked about the differences between boys and girls and quashed some stereo types.

We then went on to talk about body parts and we introduced the correct terminology of vagina, vulva, penis and testicles.  Afterwards we correctly labelled a boy and a girl before designing swim shorts for them.

Wednesday 21st September 

This afternoon we joined with Cherry class to explore our 5 senses. 

Mr Sharman played 'What can you feel in the bag?'

Mrs Stanley played 'Who stole Granny's keys?'

Miss Newton played 'What flavour skittle is it?'

Mrs Fletcher played 'Which item has disappeared from the tray?'

Miss Parker played 'What can you smell?'

We all had a go at everything and had a fantastic afternoon.

Friday 16th September 2022

Today we labelled George using sticky notes, then we labelled a human body image using a ruler and a pencil.

In Art we explored blending and mixing pastels to create different effects and shades.

Wednesday 14th September 2022

This term we have Mrs Edwards helping us in our PE sessions which are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school for the whole week.  They will then be sent home on a Friday evening for washing and then need to be back in school on the Monday morning. 

The children are having their PE sessions outside so please ensure that they have a suitable pe kit for cold weather. 

Thursday 8th September 2022

Today Oak class voted in Felicity and Keiry to be the new Worship Council representive.

Tuesday 6th September 2022

Welcome Back!

We are a fantastic class of 28 children.  Our class teacher is Mr. Sharman and our teaching assistant is Mrs. Stanley.  We also have Miss Wantling working in our class as a 1:1 teaching assistant.

Today we voted for our class School Council.  The children voted for Robyn and George to represent our class.

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.