PE - Various team building games were played including, wink murder, duck-duck-goose, 21 and more.
Production - We continued to rehearse for our upcoming production of Rock Bottom Rocks which will be taking place next week.
Science - We have reminded ourselves how to make electrical circuits and matched the symbols used to draw the circuits with the components.
Topic - We found out that Speyer (in Germany) is a twinned with Spalding. This was to build up reconciliation between nations who had been at war with each other during WWII. We looked at the physical and human features between these two town. Interestingly, they were both established by the Romans.
Reading - We have finished reading our book of Kensuke's Kingdom to find out if Michael was rescued from the island or not.
English - This week we have thought about who we looked up to as we've grown through the school, and how we have to leave our own legacies for the children we are leaving at the end of the year.
Maths - We have been using dominoes to explore different math patterns and making formulae. We were put in to pairs to see if we could find the solution to a 18 box domino problem, can each line calculate to 12.
Another busy week, and a step closer to the end of our current Year 6 primary school journey.
We have covered a number of topics in 7, this week.
Maths - We've looked at prime numbers; found facts about the power of 7; we explored patterns in dominoes; making nets of 3D shapes and compared measurements.
Reading - We have continued reading Kensuke's kingdom. Its reached a pivotal part of the story. Michael is building a beacon readyt o light as and when he may need it, suddenly, a large shadow looms over him. Who or what could it be? We will continue reading next week and we will find out.
WWII - On Wednesday we had a WWII day to complete last terms topic. It was great fun, dressing up as WWII evacuees, and decoding secret messages between spies. War food of Spam, Cheese and Jam Sandwiches
This year we took 33 of our year 5/6 children to Condover Hall on our school residential. Our weekend started with an extremely long coach trip to Shropshire, the traffic was very busy so it took us a little longer than expected. Once we arrived we were shown to our dorm rooms, we had a short while to drop off our belongings and we then went on to our first activity. We were split into 3 groups and did various activities in these groups, sometimes we were together, but often we were doing different activities.
We all met for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was lots of delicious food to chose from and the children who often were fussy even tried new foods.
The staff at Condover Hall were all fantastic and were enthusiastic and encouraging to everyone. We hope all that went had an amazing time and maybe we can go again next year.
This is our last term before you all leave us to go on to your secondary school journey. Lets make it a good one.