On Friday 5th May we had a Coronation lunch, then made flags, bunting and crowns while boogieing to music. We hope you all had a fantastic weekend and look forward to hearing all about it on Tuesday 9th May.
On Wednesday 3rd May we read the poem 'The Swing' by Robert Louis Stevenson and we paid close attention to the speed, rhythm and tempo. We performed in small groups to our peers who gave us feedback on our performances (peer assessment).
In English we have been performing poetry and on Friday we got to perform in front of Willow Class and vice versa.
Don't forget that Class photos are on Wednesday 3rd May. Please can all of Oak Class come to school in their uniform and bring their PE kit into school with them.
Many thanks
Welcome back to Term 5.
Our new topic is 'Carnival Time'. In Maths we are looking at place value and in English we are making our own invitations. Our PE sessions will be focused on outdoor adventure activities.
Please remember that we are not in school on Monday 1st May because it is May Day and Monday 8th May because it is the King's Coronation.
On Saturday 13th May some of the children from school will be taking part in the Spalding Flower Parade. We hope to see you there!