Science - We have been looking at blood vessels and the different cells in our blood have red blood cells (delivery man) white blood cells (Policeman), platelets (builder), and plasma (chef). We performed the various 'jobs' to secure our knowledge.
Topic - This week we looked at the cultures in Lincoln and Baghdad. Miss Woolf and Mrs Twelves provided lots of local produce for everyone to bravely try, this included: Stuffed chine; haslet; kale; pipers crisps and even a venison burger.
We then made posters comparing the culture of both cities including food, celebrations and clothing.
Shield Making - After our tour, we went to the learning center to make our very own shields. We were told the history of each shield and were given a card detailing the history and were then asked to create our very own version.
Bus trip - The bus trip home was eventful to say the least, this children passed their time by waving at passing traffic, singing songs and then creating what can only be described as some questionable hair styles. However, this did lead us into an interesting challenge for our Tuesday's non-uniform day, Crazy hair competition. Well done to the winners, Dexter and Iris who won their teams some well deserved team points.
While walking through Lincoln we saw a Roman mosaic, climbed steep hill and went to see Newport arch, the arch is a 3rd-century Roman gate in the Newport district of the city of Lincoln in Lincolnshire, England. It is a Scheduled Monument and Grade I listed buildingand is reputedly the oldest arch in the United Kingdom still used by traffic.
Lincoln Castle trip - On Monday we had an adventure to Lincoln Castle. We started our journey by walking along the castle walls and having a tour led by Rachel and Hex, they told us about the history of the castle and its importance during the battle at Lincoln. We went into the vault to look at the Magna Carta and told about its importance and how some rules are still enforced today. We watched two video's detailing the creation of the Magna Carta and saw many other historical artifacts.
Week commencing 3/02/25
Art - We introduced a new artist called 'Luba Lukova'
As an artist and designer, Luba Lukova creates images that she hopes will catalyze action and change the world. Her thought-provoking posters address essential themes of humanity and injustice worldwide, helping viewers develop an empathetic understanding of social and cultural issues through indelible metaphors and an economy of line, color, and text.
PE - We have continued to explore the art of Dance in PE this week Some are natural dancers others not so much, however all of them have been putting in a great deal of effort.
French - Another topic has come to an end 'La Maison Tudors' We have applied our previously learnt knowledge on Tudors and added adjectives to describe King Henry VIII and his 6 wives.
Maths - We are coming to the end of our unit on algebra. Elm class have worked amazingly so well done to all of you. Now we begin our Decimal journey.
Science - We have been looking at the circulatory system, especially the heart and how it pumps blood around the body. We conducted an experiment looking at how exercise can effect our heart rate, and again after running 5 laps of the playground. Not surprisingly, our heart rates increased, as more oxygen is needed to power our working muscles.
Week Commencing 27/01/25
On Tuesday we had Mini First Aid training. They learnt and practiced the recovery position, CPR and what to do if someone was chocking. All that took part did a super job, and learnt some life saving skills. The class instructor told Mrs Nicholls that she has never had a class that engaged so well and with such enthusiasm, so we are very proud of you.
Tchoukball Rules and Gameplay
Disclaimer- official rules may have been modified to better support our Physical Wellness class Visual and verbal explanation on how to play the game of Tchoukball. Includes scoring, penalties, and offensive/defensive objectives.
PE - We have been taught a new game in PE 'Tchoukball'. It took a bit of time to fully understand the rules, but we soon got the hang of it and had a lot of fun. Some took it extremely seriously check out Williams Face in the pictures below.
Maths - We have started to learn about algebra (this makes our brains hurt). The children have worked amazingly on what can be seen as secondary school Maths, so well done Elm Class.
Magna Carta | The Story of Britain | BBC Teach
Suitable for teaching 7-11s. This clip details events leading to the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215. Part eleven of an eleven part animated series detailing the lives of families in key points in British history; The Story of Britain.
English - We have moved onto writing a recount of the signing of the Manga Carta. It goes without saying, we obviously had to preform a re-enactment of the signing (Crowns and all), we then tried to emerse ourselves in the signing's setting without the use of time travel mush to the class' disappointment, we imagined the school field as Runnymede. This helped us with our setting descriptions.
Week Commencing 19/01/25
PHSE - Staying safe online
Art - Miss Parker was back in class this week and has continued ink printing with Elm class.
Ink Print making is an indirect method of mark making. The ink is applied to an asetate using a roller, the ink can be used to transfer text, images, or designs onto surfaces like paper, cardboard, fabric, or packaging materials.
Music - Singing this week
Maths - We continued to explore ratio and proportion, and the class have been doing and amazing job! Well done Elm class.
Good news next week... Algebra!!
TT rock stars
Geography - We have been investigating the Human and Physical geography of Lincoln and Baghdad. They have a few similarities (e.g rivers, universities and public transport). However, their difference climates impact their trading and agriculture.