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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

Faith Hope Love

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Term 3

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well. This term, we are using Google classroom for our learning. Additionally, I will put links for learning on our class webpage.

I am putting all learning on Google Classroom now that everyone has  logged in and can access the learning. If you are looking for more ideas for maths, White Rose Maths are now up and running with their home learning page where there are lots of videos to support learning.

Learning Site Links

Here are some useful sites for learning:

White Rose Maths

Oak National Academy


TT Rock Stars



Inspire + for PE ideas.

All these sites have useful free online resources. Some have videos to reinforce learning. Have a look and pick the parts that will be useful to supplement our current learning.

Maths- multiplying 2 or 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, building up to multiplying 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.

English- Performance poetry

Science- Materials and their properties.

Topic- The fens.

PE- Fitness training video from Inspire +



A really useful website that is available to all parents is Oak Academy. 

This week our spellings are from their website. They are year 4- Double consonants and year 5- suffixes- plurals.

Have a look at the website. We will be using it during lockdown.

Washing Up | POEM | Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

Performance poetry by Michael Rosen

If you do 10 minutes TTRS today, then 20 minutes on Mathletics that would be great. If you want extra, there are lots of games on Mathsframe to play.
For English I would like you to create your first draft of your performance poem. You need to make it funny! Try to make it about something that you know about.  
Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.