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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

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Term 2

Art- Fabulous Food

This term our Art topic is 'Fabulous Food'. We will be looking at artworks by three different artists who have all been inspired by food. We will explore Modroc as a modelling material, try casting with powder and further develop our clay modelling skills. Once we have explored the different resources, we will plan our own food themed artwork, taking inspiration from the studied artists.

TTRS to start our multiplication and division topic in maths!

The children looked through a variety of different recipe books to find inspiration and the key components. 

Feeling calm and peaceful in yoga smiley

Using their 5 senses, Willow Class described the main ingredients of a Ragu! Including: crunchy carrots, eye-watering onions, plain pasta and pungent garlic.yes

Miss Rawling's Cooking Show!smiley

Willow Class really enjoyed watching how a Ragu is made... it tasted delicious!


Inspire+ Hockey session - 4/12/23

Making our Christingles


Willow Class had brilliant fun during the Speed Stacking competition!smiley

The children made their Ragu's, using the lovely recipes they created in groups. They all showed great chopping and cooking skills. Have a look at the final product!

Tasting the final productyes

Art with Miss Parker - 12/12/23

In Science, we learnt how to separate mixtures using a variety of methods. 

Christmas Crafts! laugh

The children in Holly and Willow class shared their board games from home! 


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! smiley

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.