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Term 5

Lincoln Church Festival 23

The highlight of this week was our visit to Lincoln Cathedral along with Year six's from Tydd St Mary School to our annual Church Festival. We had and informative tour around the Cathedral noticing the beautiful carvings of animals, saints and kings even William I's pet dog.

We saw stained glass windows that were damaged by Cromwell and we agreed that something beautiful came from something broken, reminding us that when problems arise we can hope that things will become better.

Science Shadow experiment

PCSO Fylippa Bennett came in to talk to Elm Class about Anti Social Behaviour, responsibilities and consequences as a young adult.

Maths - In maths this week we have been continuing our work on algebra and learning to write algebraic equations and solving problems.


English - We have looked at autobiographies and have had a go at writing our own.


PE - We played a quick game of rounders this week, developing our fielding skills and team work.


Science - In science we explored the use of shadows. We spent the day measuring how long the shadow of the metre stick changed and the direction it pointed as the sun moved.

We discussed how these facts were used in the past to create sundials and measure the height of buildings. We also had a great deal of fun making our own periscopes.

Final week of term 26/5/23

Another reading session with parents went well this week.

English - Planning, drafting and writing stories based on evacuated children of WWII with a range of characters who speak either formally or informally.

Full title reads: "Evacuating The Children". VS Good shots including CUs of Salvation army women and policemen helping hundreds of children aboard special trains at the London main line stations. Good CUs of children leaning out of train windows smiling. GV Children stepping down from train onto crowded platform of the country station where they are to be evacuated.

After a very fun Monday unfortunately it was work as usual for the rest of the week.


Maths - We looked at number function machines and working out rules for number patterns.


History - We explored how propoganda is used by country governments to persuade people to agree to what the leaders believe in. We explored how Hitla used propoganda to persuade the Germans that Jews should be destroyed and in the UK there were times like 'the Miracle of Dunkirk' The army had lost the battle. But, instead of focusing on the disaster, the government celebrated the bravery of fishermen and others who used there small boats to rescue some 300,00 soldiers form the battlefield. This encouraged people living in Britain to believe that we could still win the war.

Science magic

Still image for this video

Science - We explored how light can be reflected and refracted. Various small experiments were done to investigate.

Bill Nye The Science Guy on Light, Bending & Bouncing

Light bends through a lens. Bill shows us why. We call it the science of "optics." Notice that the light changes direction every time it goes from air to plastic,and then again when it goes from plastic to air. It's slows down and speeds up. When that happens, it just can't help but bend.

Dentist - Some children took part in an annual dental survey. Two dental nurses came in and asked a few questions about healthy diets and food consumption. They looked at their teeth and input data into a laptop. All children who participated got a sticker reward.

PE - We combined our orienteering and mathematical skills n PE this week and completed a challenge set by Mrs Edwards. In small teams we followed instructions to find letters and numbers to created a mathematical equation to score points. 

PGL - Caythorpe Manor

We started the week off on Monday with lots of fun and adventure as we visited Caythorpe Manor PLG outdoor adventure centre. We scaled the climbing wall, shot arrows, glided on a zipwire and found numbers using orienteering instructions. A great time was had by all and the children reported to school Tuesday morning saying they slept very well. 

Week commencing 15th May 2023

Lastly, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all our Year 6 Elm Class children who have undertaken the SATs this week. We could not be more proud of the hard work, perseverance and resilience you all showed. Each and everyone of you are amazing.


Well Done Guys!!




Thanks to the parents that came into Elm Class and read with some of the children.

In History we spoke about Children who were Evacuated in WWII. Mrs James brought in a wonderful historical artifact a bracelet given to her own Mother when she was evacuated.

Continued Team skills and leadership skills during our PE lessons