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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

Faith Hope Love

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Term 1

Willow Class enjoying their new playtime equipment...there is a wide variety for lots of different activities! It's lovely to see them all back with happy faces!

Tuesday 8th September 2020

The class are exploring Alice in Wonderland following the theme of our English topic. Willow Class were fantastic at imagining and developing the characters motifs and reenacting the story of Alice in Wonderland through movements. They were also thinking about the characters emotions and behaviours during the PE lesson. 

Wednesday 16th September 2020

In collective worship Willow Class were continuing to look at the value 'Hope'. They enjoyed drawing rainbows and thinking of what they hope for the most!

Thursday 17th September 2020

Today the children were enthusiastically developing their hockey skills. Learning how to control and pass the ball to each other. 

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Willow Class were reenacting The Mad Hatter's Tea Party in their English lesson. Each member of their individual group was a character from the story and they had to use actions and words to bring the scene to life.

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

The class developed the story of Alice in Wonderland and the characters emotions through the art of dance. Today, they were using a combination of tap dancing while clapping to re- create the emotions of the Mad Hatter and other characters at the tea party. 

Thursday 24th September 2020

Smiles all round in Willow Class when playing hockey during their PE lesson. This week, they were learning how to stop and block the ball... everyone was persevering and doing an amazing job! smiley

Tuesday 29th September 2020

Our class were working in groups, developing a lovely performance of The Mad Hatters tea party using tap dance along with clapping in rhythm. They then started looking at the motifs and characteristics of the Queen of Hearts- all worked together really well!


Tuesday 29th September 2020 

Willow Class love playing TTrockstars to develop their times tables!

Wednesday 30th September 2020

Today, Willow Class were building their own diagram of the Sun, Moon and Earth. Using split pins, they could make the Earth rotate!

Thursday 1st October 2020

Willow Class were concentrating hard while drawing their own pictures of the Solar System using chalk and oil pastels. They look fantastic! 

Everyone in Willow Class has been working incredibly hard on their 10s, 5s and 2 times tables. Some children have even progressed to their 3's! The children love showing off their Times Table Rock Star (TTRS) badges they have achieved.
Look at our Science Board! The children's amazing homework about space is being proudly displayed in our classroom!smiley

All in Willow Class are proud to announce that our new School Council members are... 

Seth and Rugile!


and our new Worship Council members are...

Emilka and Jasmin!


We know they will be brilliant in their new roles!




Our new Year 5 Bronze Ambassadors are...

Jake and Lola!

Meet our new Worship Council members...

Emilka and Jasmin!

and our new Willow Class School Council members...

Seth and Rugile!

Willow Class 2020/2021... smiley



Willow Class have had an excellent first term!

This afternoon, we celebrated those with 100% attendance in Term 1- they were rewarded with a lovely certificate and a glitter bug!

All members of Willow Class received a certificate from the Royal Ballet for their excellent development in Ballet PE lessons this term! smiley

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.