This term our topic is Oh I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside!
Here are some photos of the baskets we designed and made to see if we could transport them along the line to the “lighthouse” in the outdoor area. We had lots of opportunity to test out different materials and ways of attaching the handles, in particular, so that they would survive the journey!
Over these first two weeks, we have been reading The Lighthouse Keeper`s Lunch, retelling the story, and designing our own lighthouses and picnic baskets, hopefully making the latter sturdy enough to withstand the journey from one of the roof supports in the outdoor area to the “lighthouse” tepee!
We have also made our own sandwiches and shared a picnic lunch on the grass, talking about what we would need to buy to make a sandwich, and the order in which we would make them, writing lists and instructions as part of our English work.
In math's, we are looking at number patterns and number tracks/grids, and exploring number bonds. In phonics, Year 1's are working through Phase 5 and Reception Phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds programme.
Over the next two weeks, we will be learning about seaside holidays in the past (history), and in the final fortnight, we will be reading 'Commotion in the Ocean', learning about poems and sea creatures and the oceans they live in, as part of our science and geography curriculae.