Wednesday Maths Fractions Games
Miss Newton's Group:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Sketching Time
Holly Class has turned their hands to so many different art styles this term- making clay pots, cave drawings using charcoal and fingers, water colour Stone Henge paintings and relief shields . This week we have taken a little time to add some sketches of Iron Age artefacts to our sketch books. We had to pay close attention to the outline of the shape to get it in proportion before adding any detail. Drawing can be a challenge but we are always willing to persevere and learn by critiquing our own work. Well done everyone!
Flag Fen Visitors
A few of our class made a visit to Flag Fen over the weekend to get a taster of life thousands of years ago. Well done for all 4 of you who shared your experiences with the everyone.
Converting Fractions to Decimals Maths Games
Horrible Histories- Stone Age
A great compilation of Stone Age clips from Horrible Histories!
Attendance Award for the SIXTH Time
Holly Class have done it again! We have had the best attendance in the school- well done to everyone for coming to school every day the past week. Let's try to get it a seventh time. This week's gold sticker winners and Star of the Week are pictured with the trophy.
Flag Fen- Our Local Bronze Age Village!
Without Covid, we would have visited Flag Fen this term to experience what it would have been like inside a Bronze Age roundhouse and look at some real Bronze Age artefacts. Unfortunately, we have not been able to visit BUT Flag Fen is open to the public so I highly recommend a visit to compliment what we have been learning about in school. Even Tony Robinson and Time Team visited a few years ago- here is a link to the TV programme they made (we have watched the first few minutes in class):
This is a link to more information about visiting Flag Fen:
This week, we have been recapping and deepening our understanding of fractions using different practical equipment alongside pictorial representations such as bar models and abstract calculations.
Maths Frame
Want to challenge yourself with your multiplication facts recall? Have a go at this game.
Holly Class have really enjoyed their coding work this week using Scratch- great fun!
Play Time Fun!
It has been great to get out on the field and have some fun the past week.
The Parables
This term's Monday class worships have been covering some of the parables told by Jesus including The Good Samaritan, The Wise Man and the Foolish Man, The Sower and The Good Shepherd.
Sunglasses Safety
Today we have been discussing how it is NEVER safe to look at the sun, even when wearing sunglasses. We thought about how sunglasses are a great idea on a sunny day as they help us to not squint when sunlight is reflected from surfaces around us. After an investigation into the most suitable material for sunglasses lenses, we made some funky sunglasses to wear home!
Stone Henge
As part of our topic work, we have been finding out about Stone Henge. We have been amazed by the history of this Stone Age monument- just how did they build it? WHY did they build it? Fascinating. It has led to some lovely art work using water colours and shadow.
Stone Age Stew
Everyone had a chance to make some Stone Age fruit stew today. It smelt just like the insides of a good fruit pie or crumble- delicious!
Reflecting Light
In Science, we investigated how reflective different materials were to try to choose the best one for a reflective sticker on a book bag.
Cave Art
This afternoon, we immersed ourselves into our cave art by 'lighting' a woodfire and changing the classroom a little- take a look below...
Stone Age Boy Hot Seating
After planning our questions yesterday, we hot-seated the main character from the story Stone Age Boy today. We were able to show how well we have understood the story and just how much we have already found out about the Neolithic era.
All SHAPES and Sizes!
Our Maths work has seen us learning more about shapes through various activities and investigations- please ask us what e have found out!
Homework Home
A huge well done to Bethany for completing her homework making project to produce a prehistoric home. Great detail and care has gone into it!
I was Born in the Stone Age by Michael Rosen
After spending a couple of sessions practising this great poem, we were ready to perform for the camera- we hope that you enjoy it (it is a funny poem!)
Maths Sorting Games
Science- Light
Out term's topic started by understanding that the eye needs light to see and that the absence of light is darkness. Our investigation involved us trying to identify objects in boxes with only two holes letting in a little light before shining a torch through one of the holes.
3D Shapes and Properties
After a great start looking at the properties of 3D shapes, we used Venn and Carroll diagrams to help us sort 3D shapes. It was impressive to hear the confident use of key mathematical words being used.
Creative pots of clay
Most of what we know today about the Stone Age is from what has been dug up from the ground including clayware such as small pots. Today we tried to create our own small pot, thinking about how people made them thousands of years ago by hand- our connection to the past.
Welcome Back to the Summer Term!
The summer term is here already, can you believe it?
Our topic this term is called Set in Stone looking at the past from Stone Age times through Bronze Age and into the Stone Age. We will be covering many different areas through our topic work such as making clay pots and our own versions of cave art as well as looking at poetry about these eras by poets such as Michael Rosen and songs by the Horrible Histories team. Our class book is the wonderful The Stone Age Boy.
Our Science unit of work will focus on Light and Shadows this term and our PE will find us improving our fitness levels through various activities as well as learning Tag Rugby. The Lincolnshire Music service will be teaching us how to play an instrument on Thursday mornings and we will continue to develop our Coding skills in Computing as well as learning more about privacy when using the internet.
Keep looking back through the term for further updates and lots of photos!