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Term 4

It Must Be Easter!

Easter card making fun.

Trojan Horse Making

Wow! What an afternoon- some brilliant perseverance.

Trojan Horse D and T Project

Today, we designed our Trojan Horse then practised the skills we will need to use when we make it tomorrow.

Easter Service in Church

During a very wet morning, we walked to church to enjoy and be part of a lovely Easter Service led by our new vicar and the Collective Worship Council.

Green Fingers!

Finally, our chitted potatoes have been planted outside along with our sunflower plants (which seem to have grown very tall very quickly!). A huge thank you to Isabelle and Evelyn who have taken on this task and are busy watering them daily too!

Alberto Giacometti Inspired Sculpture Work

World Poetry Day

Our challenge was to create a nonsense poem out of everyday instructions. We made each other laugh!

Science Day

This year's theme was connections. We looked at different ways we are linked through science such as finger prints and also looked at how anyone can be a scientist no matter their age, gender, colour or ability. The children decided that the skills needed are determination, perseverance, hard work, team work, curiosity and a what to do things.


Look at our latest instrument!

Ancient Olympics Information Presentations

We have been preparing presentations about the Ancient Olympics and their links to the Modern Olympics for the past two weeks. Today, we have started to record our presentations. On watching them back, we have realised that we can be a little more organised and succinct so we will have another try on Friday. Hopefully, we will turn the videos into QR codes for you- watch this space!


Science- Melting

Today we looked more into what happens when a solid turns into a liquid when heat is added ie we melted some chocolate. We looked at how the size and thickness of chocolate can make a difference as to the speed that it changes state. We had to be careful not to burn the chocolate by not letting the flame touch the foil case!


Today we started our beam work with pointed toes.


Our potatoes have been chitting since before the holiday but still do not have many shoots on... So we have moved onto planting our sunflower seeds today instead! These seeds were collected in September from last summer's sunflowers- let's see how they do!

World Book Day

Our book swap!

We had a great time at the library. The ladies talked to us about what is on offer at the library such as Lego Club on a Saturday morning and activities/competitions in the holidays then read us a funny story and asked us what our favourite books are. Don't forget parents- joining the library is free and you can have up to 30 books out for up to 3 weeks at a time. yes

Science- the three states of matter

Today we completed more work to compare and recognise the properties of the three states of matter, including finding out if a gas can be poured!

Researching the Ancient Greeks

Some time to use our selection of books to find and share some interesting facts (with a lovely pose from one class member!!smiley)


This week we developed our rolls by videoing each other so we could see what was going well and what needed to be worked on.

Ancient Greek Myths

After listening to a number of myths, we have chosen our favourite in our groups. This week, we will continue to work together to think about how to retell it in our own style and next week we will write it using all the good features of writing that we know.

Solids, Liquids and Gases

Ask us about our first investigation of the term!

Tag Rugby

Our first session was good fun- it looks like it is going to be a great term!

Digital Literacy- Wellbeing

This week we are looking at the effects of spending too long online. The videos below have been shared in class but are well worth sharing with your children again at home.

Welcome Back!

This term we are looking at the Ancient Greeks in our topic work titled "Greece is the Word". Our English work will involve reading and writing Myths linked to the Greeks as well as an author study on Geraldine McCaughrean who has written many of the Greek books we will be using this term.

Maths will see is continue with Fractions and Decimals before moving onto some Statistics and further Multiplication/Division work. TT Rock Stars will continue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning- who will be gaining more badges this term? Heather was very happy to have filled her lanyard in term 3!

In Science we will be looking at States of Matter, in Computing we will be using databases and our PE will be Gymnastics and Tag Rugby (please make sure children have warm kit on for both days as we will go out for Tag Rugby when the weather is dry).

Don't forget World Book Day on March 2nd and Science Day on 15th March. Another action packed term. yes

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.