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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

Learning for life in a community that cares.

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Term 2

Week 8

Christmas Time Making!

Week 7

Ragu Day

Today we made and tasted 6 different Ragu sauces with different types of pasta. Below are the recipes we used.

Christmas Fun!

Messy Church

Science Measuring Investigations

Carol Singers!

Week 6


Christmas Movie Night

Digital Literacy

Looking at keeping our reputation safe online as well as knowing who our trusted adults are.

Speed Stacks Fun!

Science 'Articulate'

We played a game where we had to describe some of this term's key words without using certain words (a bit like the family game Articulate). It was a bit tricky!

Week 5

Researching Facts About Muscles

The children found out some great information about the muscles in our body.

Christmas Fayre Fun

Claw and Bridge

Making sure our cutting skills are good before making our Ragu sauces!

Decorating the Tree!

Week 4

Giving Instructions

To start our new genre, we gave each other instructions to do different tasks. As the week progressed, we have looked at recipes and the steps involved to making a good Ragu sauce.

Week 3

Week 2

Diary Planning- A Farmer's Day

Wet Play Time Fun!


Which nutrients are inside our food? We looked at LOTS of different packaging and compared to find which foods are high/low in fat/sugar/protein. We then discussed which foods we thought would be the most healthy, reminding ourselves of what the Eat Well plate tells us.

Maths- Multiplication and Division

For the next 3 weeks, our focus will be on multiplication and division which will really help to boost our times tables work for TT Rock Stars. Today, we used the counters to remind ourselves that multiplication is repeated addition and that division is the inverse of multiplication. 

Week 1

Art- Fabulous Food

This term our Art topic is 'Fabulous Food'. We will be looking at artworks by three different artists who have all been inspired by food. We will explore Modroc as a modelling material, try casting with powder and further develop our clay modelling skills. Once we have explored the different resources, we will plan our own food themed artwork, taking inspiration from the studied artists.

Where does our food come from?

Over the term, we will be finding out how food gets to our shops and where it comes from before choosing ingredients near the end of term to make 3 different ragu sauces to try. Today, we looked at the carbon footprint of bringing food from countries far away before thinking about which country ragu originates from. Here we are finding Italy in the atlases.


Why do we eat food? Why are some foods deemed unhealthy whilst others are healthy? Today, we started to look at the nutritional values of food and the nutrients contained within our favourite meals.


A mindful afternoon of stretching and looking after our wellness.

Complements to 100

Looking for patterns to help us remember bonds to 100 quickly.

Wednesday Wombles

Well done guys, a great start to the term.

Welcome Back

Term 2 and the build up to Christmas! Our topic this term is Farm to Fork looking at where our food comes from, food preparation and comparison of recipes. This fits well with of Science work focusing on Nutrition and Skeletons as well as our English work on instructions writing. Remember to keep checking in to see what we get up to!

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.