Our school safeguarding officers are:
Mrs. Sonya Ely - Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Vikki Parker - Head of School
Mrs. Julie Smith - Administrator
Miss Holly Rodgers - Pastoral Support
Ms Sandra Hornsby - Safeguarding Governor
Pastoral support and guidance is offered by Mrs. Holly Rodgers (ELSA).
Mental health is important for everyone. As a school we understand that the mental health of children is as important as education.
We also understand that the mental health of parents is also important and here are some useful websites to help.
If you are concerned about the mental health of your child or you need some support please come and speak to us in school.
Healthy minds Lincolnshire offer free online workshops for you and your family.
Parenting smart is also a brilliant website that offers support through videos.
We understand that with the cost of living that you may have worries about the future of your family or home. Please see the links to have support for your own mental health as well as citizens advice.
Every month we hold a parental group. There are topics around each session but this group is not a ‘parenting course’ it is where parents come together for information and to offload over a brew.