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Weston Hills C of E

Primary School

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Term 2

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Enjoy! Merry Christmas.

Our Last Day in School 2020

Christmas lunch, the Cinderella Pantomime and a visit from Santa!

Christmas Carols

Thank you to everyone who came to watch us sing, I think you can agree the children did extremely well (with only a few days practise too!). We are sorry it could not be longer but the rain was not pleasant. 

I have been so proud of my class this year, they have always stepped up to every challenge they have been given. All the adults who work in Holly Class agree that we have enjoyed our time with them in 2020 and look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2021 when we will be joined by Mr Booty and Miss Rogers.

Christmas Party Fun

Holly Class had a fabulous afternoon. A big thank you to the FOWH for all the food and treats (and how many layers were on the pass the parcels?!)winkheart

Christmas Crafts and Fun

Today we have created even more great stuff for our lovely parents! Everything will be brought home in a carrier bag on Thursday which will be OK for you to open on Friday. We hope that our hard work gives you a little yule time cheer. What do you think of our festive glasses? We are rocking the Christmas look in Holly Class.

Christmas Food Preparation

Everyone has been busy making Christmas food to bring home. Hand sanatiser was everywhere along with wipes and every child had their own ingredients (no sharing!) so you will be safe! Everything we have made will sit in carrier bags until Thursday when the children will bring them home. They will have sat for 48 hours by that point.

Year 4 Science Quizzes

Year 4 have been busy making Christmas Quizzes using complete circuits with a buzzer to show the correct answers.

Attendance Award

Holly Class won the award for the THIRD time this week 9the last one of 2020 too)! We are so proud of ourselves. yes

Conductor or Insulator

Our final investigation found us using a simple circuit to test different materials for conductivity. We could then make the conclusion that metals along with the graphite in our pencils conduct electricity and other materials are insulators.

Carols Practise

It might be cold outside but it has not stopped us practising our signing carols with the rest of KS2!

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Thank you to all the parents/carers who have helped their child read through their four lines of the poem ready for recording next week. There will be a Youtube link to the video posted on Google Classroom once we have filmed it. yes

Carols Around the Tree

On Wednesday afternoon at 3:05, our class will gather around the tree at the front of school to sing/sign two Christmas songs for you.

Christmas Wrap

A huge thank you to the PTA for organising another fabulous event for us to take part in. The class were very excited about choosing their own gifts for family members. heart

Collective Worship with Mr Brown

Mr Brown talked to us again this week about the Bible, moving onto the New Testament with Mary being told by an angel that she will have the son of God. We listened to him with our advent wreath candles burning- two candles as it is the second week of advent.

Feeling festive!

I have been impressed with the effort to be festive in our class including the wearing of Christmas socks and some great hair styles.

Switches in Science

Whilst the Year 3 have been investigating and making switches in circuits, the Year 4s have been using their knowledge to make electical quizzes for the Year 3s to play at the end of term.

Snow Fun!

National Tree Week

As part of National Tree Week, PSTT have shared some Science ideas to try at home! Why don't you have a try whilst you are stuck at home? yes

Science Electricity Task

Have a go then let me know how you got on. yes

Christmas is in the Air...

As we want our classroom to look amazing for Christmas, we have been hard at work this afternoon creating some great artwork. if children wish to make anything at home this week, please send it in.

Our Class Reading Challenge

Miss Newton set our class reading challenge on Friday. Please see her letter and encourage your child to read daily to gain their stars and prizes. We are doing this to encourage our class to read more as so few seem to be doing at present. Good readers make good writers so it is hugely beneficial for them to have this time with you every day. Thank you.

Our Class Charities

Instead of buying Christmas cards, please ask your children if they would like to bring in some money to help our class Charities.

If you do have some Christmas cards though, you can still bring them in.

Thank you from Matilda (class council).

We are collecting for the WWF this term.


We have really enjoyed our circuits work, investigating which circuits are complete and will light a bulb. The Year 4s were challenged to explain why the circuits would/would not work and were able to do so very well using good scientific vocabulary. yes

Walk on Wednesday

Just a reminder that we are taking part in the Walk on Wednesday initiative. Children will receive a badge if they walk every Wednesday in a month. Park and Stride from the village hall also counts. Walking from the grassed car park area outside of school does not count. Thank you.


To really get to know the light house keeper in our story, we have been hot seating him. 


Just a reminder that homework is set on Google Classroom every week. Some children have been telling me that they have not been doing it which is a concern as we are trying to get children caught up with all they missed during lockdown. Please help your child by completing the set tasks each week. A huge thank you to those parents who are already accessing and completing these tasks. At present, they focus on times tables and spellings but after Christmas there will be more formal written tasks in their homework books.

Children in Need

Please remember to wear spots on Friday for a £1 donation to Children in Need. yes

Remembrance Day

We showed our respect today by laying our painted stones and thinking about those who have died in wars and conflicts in the past. Just before 11 o'clock, we tuned into the service from Westminister Abbey to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as we held our two minutes silence.


This term's new topic for PE has started brilliantly! Everyone is holding their stick correctly and really starting to put some power into their push as well as learning to control the ball.

Attendance Award

We won again! It is the second time we have had the best attendance in school. Let's do it again next week. smiley

Sam Ruddock from Inspire+

Paralympian Sam has been working with the Year 3 children today as part of a 6 week mentoring programme. yes

Children in Need

Our school council friends in Oak Class have been busy organising a non-school uniform day for Friday 13th November. Please wear spots on that day for a donation of £1 to be given to their class charity of Children in Need. yes

School Council call for help with the Poppy Appeal

We are selling poppies to fund raise money for The Royal British Legion.

These are the costs and names of the things you can buy.

Poppies     any donation

Rubbers    20p

Fabric zip pulls     20p

Pencils     30p

Poppy zip pulls   50p

Rubber wristbands   £1.00

Snap bands/ruler   £1.00

You can donate more if you want to.

We are also giving out poppy stickers if you buy something.

Thank you by Matilda and Evelyn.

Welcome Back!

It has been great to see the class again and that everyone has had a good break.

We have a busy 7 weeks ahead of us in the lead up to the most exciting time of the year. Keep looking here to see what we get up to.

Please remember that homework is set on Google Classroom each Monday. The BIG focus areas are spellings and times tables again this term. Good spelling helps writing enormously and good times tables will help Maths. Keep reading every day with your child, not just school books but any books, magazines and other reading material. Remember to keep reading times enjoyable, positive experiences. smiley

Our core Christian School Values are: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE This year we will explore the core values through: Hope, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect, Courage and Friendship.