Term 5 topic is "Down Under."
Today in maths, the children classified different shapes independently. Thinking about all their different properties.
Willow Class looked at different poems by Grace Nichols and chose their favourite. They thought about the similarities and differences between them, as well as the poetic devices used.
Thinking about half turns, quarter turns and full turns as well as North, East, South and West. In addition, we were using clockwise and anti-clockwise.
We explored outside, finding different habitats in our area.
Willow Class tried "Fairy Bread" ( bread, butter and sprinkles) to go with our topic Down Under.
Our Blue Peter badges!
More Blue Peter badges!
Debating why their chosen favourite snack is the best...they all came up with fantastic points towards their argument.
Yoyo Bears vs Fruit Salad debate!
Another Blue Peter badge!
In Maths, we did more great work on classifying shapes
Today, we learnt a new Indian sport called Kabaddi. The children were fantastic at getting to grips with this unique game.
We are extremely proud of our persuasive posters! We created these wonderful posters to try and persuade people to move to Australia.