World Book Day is on 2nd March 2023 and each class will make a short trip to Spalding to visit the bookshop, Bookmark, and also Spalding Library.
Every year, the children receive a £1 book token for World Book Day that can be exchanged for one of the specially published £1 books so we will be handing these out to the children so they can choose their own book when we visit Bookmark. However, the £1 book token can also be used against the price of any book so if the children want to bring in some extra money to ‘top-up’ their token and then buy a different book then that is fine too. Bookmark have kindly offered to give each of the children a drink and a biscuit while we are there. We will also be visiting the library so that the children can enjoy a story or two.
Back in school, we will be running a book swap. The children can bring in any books that they no longer want from home and exchange them for a token. For example, if a child brings in 3 books, they will receive 3 tokens. The token can then be exchanged for another book in the book swap that they would like.